Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Commitment Day 5k 2014

I did it !  I lived!

I was nervous about doing the 5k, I'm not going to lie.  I knew I wasn't going to run every single step.  It was going to be cold.  My car said it was 14 degrees.  It was going to snow.  I was worried about it being slippery.  But I did it.  I'm glad I did.

It started yesterday when I drove out to the Commerce club to pick up my t-shirt and my number.  See...

I fell asleep early last night.  I didn't wait for midnight to ring in the new year.  I had to be up early to get to the race location in time to get a parking space.

I arrived at the location just after 7 and stopped in at the Dagwood Deli to grab some breakfast.  I got a breakfast sandwich and ate about half of it.  It was yummy, but I was full after just having half.  I chatted with a woman who was also running the race.  She was very nice.  She was not a member of Lifetime Fitness, she was just interested in getting moving on January 1st.

After breakfast, I went back to my car and just waited for race time.

The race started and I started running.  I'm not sure how far I ran before I started walking, but I did good and I wasn't crazy out of breath.  From then on, I walked and ran.  I honestly couldn't tell you what percentage I ran, but when I did run, I felt like I had a good pace.  I'm pretty sure that I was running faster than my treadmill speed, which I heard is common once you hit the streets.

I finished the race running and my time was 44 minutes.  Not bad.  I guess I'll just improve from that as I get better.  I wasn't super tired or sore, I was just fine.  I grabbed a bottle of water and a banana, and then I drove home.

Was I glad I did it?  Yes.  Will I do another 5k?  Sure.

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