Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 25

This week Sarah and I only trained on Wednesday afternoon.  She took Sunday off from work or something selfish like that.  ;)

Wednesday was a completely different workout than anything we've ever done.  We did an obstacle course.  I had some fair warning before I came to the gym so I was a little leery.  I hate change.  

The obstacle consisted of 8 exercises and I had to do the full sequence three times.  Some of the exercises included thrusters, rowing, running/walking, push ups.  It was a combination of things I love and hate.   I loath running.  I've tried to love it or even like it, it's not gonna happen.  It's like forcing a relationship with a nice guy that you're not attracted to.  

My heart rate definitely got up and I was sweaty.  I think my deodorant even failed me!

I really liked the obstacle course workout.  It made the hour go really fast.  I kind of missed lifting heavy, but it's good to change things up.  

Next week, we will be working out Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

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