Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pilates, Pilates, Pilates

I did Pilates three times this week and this was the wittiest title I could come up with.

This week I worked out 5 out of 7 days.  Pretty good.  I took my usual days off, Monday and Friday.

Sunday I took Martina's Slowburn Vinyasa class.  I wasn't expecting to get my heart rate up so high or to sweat, but I did.  I guess I shouldn't let the Slowburn word fool me.

Tuesday I had my standard reformer class.  Rachel, the newest Pilates instructor at LTF-Novi, subbed for Cassie.  I had never met Rachel, so I was kind of curious to meet her and take a class with her.  She is so nice and very pleasant.  She is trained the same way that Cassie is, so it was an easy transition.  She's a little quieter than Cassie, but she's new and she had never met any of us before.  Plus, Linda can come across as a thug when you first meet her.

Wednesday was my only training session with Sarah and you can read about it here.

Thursday was Jumpboard Pilates.  I hadn't done Jumpboard in two weeks, so I was anxious to get back to it.  Cassie was there for this class and she filled us in on the new West Bloomfield club that is opening.  We were asking questions because we were interested in what a Diamond LTF club was all about.  Sounds very luxurious, but not what I would want.  (No offense!)

Jumpboard was definitely tough.  We did those agonizing arm exercises.  I just kept repeating "My arms are going to look awesome, my arms are going to look awesome," just to keep me going.

Saturday was a private Pilates session with Cassie!!!  I love private sessions!  It's nice to get the one-on-one attention and just chit-chat with Cassie.  It's like sweating with a girlfriend...except you're the only one sweating.

Before I went to LTF, I stopped at my local Starbucks and picked up a Skinny Caramel Macchiato for each of us.  Cassie and I have the same favorite drink at Starbucks.  Great minds, people, great minds.

Yeah, I know it must seem weird to walk into a gym with two venti Starbucks, but hey, I don't care.  I just strolled on through with a coffee in each hand like:

And I seriously would have gone Naomi Campbell crazy if anyone would have said anything.  

So, that was my week in a nutshell.  I would call it a successful week.  I did a little bit of everything: lifting, yoga, and Pilates.  My three loves.  I think my head is getting back in the game.  I'm not weighing myself every day.  I was going to remove the batteries from my scale, but I didn't and I've been able to avoid the scale.

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