Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Changing It Up

While I was at work today I started thinking about my diet.  It hasn't been the greatest since my meltdown.  Surprisingly, the scale has remained virtually the same.  But I still need to get back on track and get some control.  I start every day with the best of intentions, but somehow and some way I get off track.  I'm not completely off track like back when I started over a year ago, I've just lost a little bit of focus.  I want to the exercise and diet to go hand and hand again and somehow get out of this six month plateau.

It was my idea to decide to replace two meal (breakfast and lunch) with a Fast Fuel shake.  I ran it past Sarah and she liked the idea.  I'm not sure how long I'm going to do this.  I've thought 30 days, I've thought until I lose 20 pounds.  We shall see.  And I may take it down to just one shake a day along the way.  I'm using this as a way to get on track.

I stopped at the LifeCafe before Pilates and bought my Fast Fuel (chocolate).  I'm starting tomorrow!

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