Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 28

Another successful training week is in the books!

Sunday was a full body day although it seemed pretty upper body heavy.  We started with squat thrusters and leg presses.  Then we moved onto the arms.  One of the things I am super excited about was that I set a benchpress PR with 85 pounds!!!!

I did three sets of benchpressing.  The first set was at 65 pounds, the second was at 75 pounds, and the third was at 85!  I only did 6 reps in the third set, but who cares?  I BENCHED 85 POUNDS!!!  My goal for the end of this year was to be able to bench 85 pounds!  I accomplished that, but I would now like 85 pounds to be my starting weight.

Added bonus, I wasn't sore the day or two after the workout!!!

Wednesday was sort of an old school workout.  We did things we haven't done in a while.  Walking lunges and Russian twists were things I hated and I thought were difficult.  Now they are so much easier.  I still hate walking lunges, but what are you going to do?  One thing we've changed up is instead of doing traditional kettle bell swings, we are doing battle rope swings.  I still get the sore feeling in my abs, but I don't have the pain in my left shoulder.  The battle ropes also bring my heart rate way up and I need several minutes to rest and catch my breath before we move onto the next exercise.

Things are continuing in the right direction and I keep getting stronger.

Next week, Sarah and I will be working out on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

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