Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 27

This week Sarah and I trained on our usual days:  Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

Sunday was a heavy lifting day.  

 I was beyond excited to hear that bit of news.  I set a few PRs, but I was most excited about my deadlift PR of 105 pounds!!!  We only did four exercises, but we really didn't need to do much more since I was pooped.  And we did squats on the Icarian machine, which is a favorite of mine.

Wednesday was more of a full body day with a little more emphasis on upper body (in my opinion).  We did more exercises today and did some super-setting.  The weights were pretty heavy but do-able.  I think I did very well.  I don't know the proper names for the exercises, but we started with some squats and ended doing triceps and biceps.  Oh yeah,  the bicep curls I did were with 35 pounds, which was pretty tough.

At the end of our session, I got to meet Tony, the new dietician at LTF-Novi.  I am meeting with him on the 19th and also when I get the results of my Food Allergy panel test, which I'll blog more about in a future post.

Next week is another Sunday/Wednesday workout week for Sarah and I.  Looking forward to more heavy lifting.

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