Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!

I feel utterly awful that I haven't blogged in two months!!!  I have been thinking about posting, but I have just been so busy.

My New Years' Resolution for 2015..... continue to blog and inspire the masses!!!!!!

What's been happening with me?  Just keeping busy, making money to live and continue investing into my favorite person.....MYSELF!!!!!

I've continued to workout with Sarah twice a week and taking Pilates twice a week with Cassie.  One change is that my Tuesday night Pilates class was disbanded and I now attend the Wednesday 6 pm class.  I sure do miss my homies, Linda and Maureen, but I just wasn't getting the challenge I needed and that's not good for me.  Linda and Maureen are in a Monday evening class.  I do see Linda around at Lifetime so we do get to chat.  I haven't see Linda though.

As of yesterday, I have joined Title Boxing Club.  Some of you may remember that I had a Groupon that I used in the Spring.  You have read about my experiences here.  I need some big time cardio that I don't think I can get at Lifetime right now.  I do enjoy Spinning, but with the new year the classes are going to be packed and you'll have to claw and fight to get a bike.

I will still be doing everything else at Lifetime, but I wanted to add boxing into my regime at least twice a week.  I opted for the month-to-month membership in case I don't want to go for a full  year.

So, I've continued to lift heavy with Sarah and I have some goals for 2015.
I want to bench 100 pounds.  Right now I am at 85 pounds and I can do about 6 to 8 reps.  If I get to the end of 2015 doing 6 to 8 reps, I will be happy.

I want to RDL 150 pounds.  I think I'm at 135 right now.   I want to super squat 400.  I'm at 380 right now, I think.

I promise I'm going to blog more.  There are some big things that are going to happen in 2015, I can feel it!!!