Saturday, August 16, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 32

The fact that I can even type this blog entry is a miracle after what Sarah did to my arms yesterday.  But first things training schedule.  This is a little different.  I worked out with Sarah on Wednesday morning before work at 5:45 am and Friday afternoon at 2.

Wednesday morning was pretty uneventful.  We did some bent over one arm rows.  We hadn't done that in forever.  Probably the most interesting thing about that workout was the very last exercise we did.  It was something that Sarah learned from the current intern working at the gym.  The intern trained her last Friday and this exercise totally killed her obliques.  I guess the best way to describe this exercise is Plank with Viper Slides.

When Sarah demonstrated the exercise, I thought I might have to do the modification because it seemed a little awkward.  I actually did well with it and I didn't really feel it anywhere.  And then I drove to work and I could feel my abs starting to hurt.  I really felt it on Thursday when my abs were crazy sore.

Friday, Sarah just killed my arms.  We started off innocently enough with some legs exercises: leg press and kettle bell squats.  Then it was time for my arms to die.  We just did arm exercise after arm exercise.  With about 20 minutes left to go, we did bench press.  I love bench pressing.  Last time I benched 85 pounds six times.  That was towards the beginning of the hour.  This was at the tail end.

I benched 75 pounds with virtually no problem.  Then Sarah added five pounds.  80 pounds was tough, but I did 2 sets of 8 reps.  I struggled a bit, but my arms were already beat.  We did shoulder presses and my left shoulder did well.  I did bicep curls with 35 pounds.

I really felt it leaving the gym.  I even feel it along my rib cage.  Holy crap.  But at the same time, I love being this sore because I really want to work on definition.  I know that I good deal of being successful with that is a proper diet.  So, I am all stocked up to really go at the diet portion this week.  I've done good this past week, but not completely fabulous.

I guess I better go to sleep.   Week 33 starts tomorrow.

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