Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 13

This week training was on Sunday and Tuesday.

Sunday was a total body workout.   All of the exercises were ones we had done before, but our final exercise used a new machine we hadn't used before.  I liked it, but my shoulder was hurting a little bit.  It felt like I needed to crack it or something.  We did my favorite (squats) and no lunges today!!!!  Yay!

Sunday was picture day for me.  Sarah said she didn't see too much of a change from last month and I'm okay with that.  I'm still plugging away.  Sunday is also our weigh in day.  My weight was down about 2 pounds.  I'm fine with that even though I'm holding at 40 pounds lost.  Yes, that is 10 pounds heavier than what I was in January, but I'm still getting smaller.  My clothes are fitting baggier and on my belt I've gone from the third hole to the fourth hole.

Tuesday's workout was also a total body workout.  Damn, I was tired.  I set a personal record in the seated row with 95 pounds.  YAY!!!!!  We did lunges today, but they weren't too bad.  Better to just get it over with.  I was sweating like a pig.  It was hot in the gym. The weather outside was 60 degrees (according to my car), and I think the heat might still have been running at the gym.

I bought some more Whey Protein since I am running low.  Unfortunately, they are still out of the Thorne Whey that I love, but I've gotten used to the Lifetime Whey.

I leave you with a meme that reflects my love of squats.

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