Saturday, September 20, 2014

I'm Back

I know I haven't blogged in forever!  I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth.  I've been super busy with work and so much time has passed that rather than try to play catch-up I will just sort of start over.

I haven't forgotten about this blog.  I just felt overwhelmed when trying to think about catching up.

Where to begin?

Well, I've have set some new PRs.  90 pounds benchpressing.  125 pounds straight leg deadlift.

I'm doing more cardio.

I've switched to working with Jillian for my nutrition needs.  Today was actually our first session together and I think it went very well and I can sense some nutrition goals getting achieved.

I've decided to grow my hair out.  Random, I know.

I went to see Oprah last weekend and it was amazing.  I think and see things differently.  I think that weekend has changed my outlook and every aspect of my life.

I'm still working with Sarah twice a week and doing Pilates twice a week with Cassie.

Biggest Loser Season 16 has started and I really find a lot of inspiration in this show.

As we approach Fall and ugh Winter, the days are shorter and there is that impending doom that snow will arrive in just a few short weeks.  Oddly, this seems to be when I get things into high gear.  I see it as prep time for swimsuit season 2015 and lounging at a pool in a bikini.   I'm actually really excited.
I promise to blog more often.

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