Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Coming Up For Air

Wow, I am finally caught up with all of my transcripts!!!!!  Ever since mid-July, I have been pleasantly swamped with transcripts.  The money has been fantastic, I can't complain.  I'm definitely looking forward to a relaxing weekend coming up.

Other than work, what have I been doing?  Well, I'm still training with Sarah twice a week.  We've been taking it easy the last two weeks because my back has been hurting.  Turns out, my pirifomis were mega tight.  Thankfully, Drea loosened them up and I am feel back to my good ole 100%.  Starting this Sunday, Sarah and I are returned to our usual heavy lifting.

I'm still doing Pilates twice a week with Cassie.  There has been some upheaval in the Pilates department, but things are falling into place with the hiring of Lindsay Hill.  I haven't officially been introduced, but I'm sure she'll become my favorite Hill at LTF Novi.

Speaking of LTF Novi management, I am currently beefing with Sean Dick over what I like to call The Great Hot Chocolate War of 2014.  Long story short, Sean  promised Linda and I free hot chocolate because of the extremely cold temperature in the Pilate studio and he FAILED to deliver.  He has promised to go to Starbucks and get us hot chocolate (hold the whipped cream, of course) next Tuesday and he better follow through or else all Hell is going to break loose....and that's just what Linda is going to do him!!!!!

I have Friday off from work and I plan on making my grand return  to Spinning.  I have also signed up for the Kettlebell Workshop on Saturday morning.  I like to think I am pretty astute with the kettlebells, but it'll just be a nice free workout.

I am still doing Nutrition Coaching with Jillian.  I lost 6 pounds in two weeks.  While the scale is going down, my body is adjusting as well.  My current workout shirts are extremely loose in the waist and hip area.  Time to bust out the smaller size I brought earlier in the year!!!!

I'm watching and enjoying the latest season of the Biggest Loser.  I really like the new trainers, Jessie and Jen.    Of course, Dolvett is my favorite.

And that's pretty much what's going on with me.  I have been quiet on the blog, but I'm still plugging away.  I'm closing in on 18 months on this journey and I'm still happy with how things are going.  I'm always learning and improving, and getting stronger.

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