Sunday, October 12, 2014

Back to the Heavy Lifting

Today was my return to lifting heavy after taking it easy for about two to three weeks due to my back pain/piriformis tightness.  It felt great and I was so excited for this workout.   We didn't pick up right where we left off, but it was still a heavy lifting day.

Our first exercise was the Icarian Super Squat machine.  I think the last time we did it, I squatted 360 pounds.  I can't remember what Sarah said, but I squatted somewhere in the mid to high 200s.    We did straight leg deadlift next.  The last time, I did 125 pounds.  I think today I did 110-ish from what I could tell.

The rest of our workout was very arm heavy.   We did the seated row on a machine we had never done before.  Sarah thought we had used it before, but I can assure you we had not.  I kind of liked it.   I have to say I also enjoyed the chest press (50 pounds) with my legs in tabletop.  I'm used to tabletop since we do that in Pilates, but I was a little nervous about doing it while lifting.   It worked out well and wasn't difficult at all.  I was afraid my legs would be tired and it would be hard to keep them up.

I'm pretty excited to be back to the heavy lifting.  I am working out with Sarah Wednesday and next Sunday and then she is going on vacation.  She has arranged for Jeff Douglass to train me.  This should be pretty cool because he shadowed one of my workouts with Sarah last summer when he was just an intern.  I can't wait to see what he has planned.

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