Thursday, October 30, 2014

Check In Time

So sorry I haven't been blogging as often as I used to.  I'm still working out, still training with Sarah, still doing Pilates with Cassie, still do nutrition coaching with Jillian.  I still have the same goals.  Life has just gotten busier and more stressful for me so it's taken up a lot of my time and energy.

Without going into too much detail, there is someone who is out to tarnish my professional reputation.  This is without merit and has more to do with that person's lack of personal responsibility.  I have taken the proper steps I need to and am on the road to being vindicated.  Unfortunately, this person will stop at nothing.  This isn't over.  I don't know to what further lengths he will go to, but if you're the praying kind, please keep me in your prayers.

My food choices haven't been the greatest, but also not the worst.  Let's say I am enjoying life right now because I do like to eat.  I am also occasionally finding myself "comfort eating" during times of stress.  Hey, I'm human.  I am conscious of it.  It happens.  Every day is another day and another chance to be better.

The scale is up, but my clothes continue to feel the same or looser given the particular garment I am wearing.  Nothing is fitting tighter.  Letting go of the scale is a thing I've been working hard at, but we're so ingrained into letting the scale control our successes and failures.

I've got time on my side.  I think part of me had some sot of D day goal.  "I must reach my goal by X date."  I'll always have to work on myself.  It's not like you reach your goal weight and you're done.  Yeah, I'm not where I wanted to me (again, on the scale), but I'm stronger, I'm leaner, I'm healthier.   I'm almost 18 months into this journey and I'm pretty happy with my progress.

I will admit that my mind was more clear and more in the game this time last year than this year.  I guess that's how life goes and also how fitness goes.  I'm still working out 4 to 5 days a week, that's nothing to be disappointed about.  I keep lifting heavier.  I've made some modifications to my diet.

So, that's where I'm at.  I'm just trying to be honest.  My schedule keeps me from blogging as much, but rather than quit and have people think I've  either quit or fallen off the planet, I thought I'd tell you where I'm at mentally and physically.   It's all cyclical.  I'll be back up again, the lesson is to just keep going.  

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