Friday, October 10, 2014

My Latest Guilty Pleasure

The newest thing I like to do in my rare bit of spare time is watching YouTube videos of people giving advice and reviews.  I have a few channels that I subscribe to, but my current favorite is that of Tyrone Magnus which up until recently included his now ex-girlfriend Sarah Caissey.   Tyrone does near daily video uploads and Sarah hasn't uploaded anything to her channel in a little bit.  I must say that I was truly saddened that they broke up.  I really hope they get back together.

I actually might email Tyrone a question because I need advice on a sticky subject and the current male advice I'm getting sucks.

I learn a lot when I watch their videos and I laugh my ass off.  Tyrone also does an occasional workout video, which is all right, but I sometimes disagree with.  It's cool though, everyone works out differently.

My favorite videos are when he answers subscribers' questions.  He gives hilarious, but honest answers.  And when Sarah was in the video, it was even funnier.

So, if you're looking for something fun and informative to watch, I strongly suggest subscribing to Tyrone's channel.  His goal is to get 1 Million Subscribers (WHOOOOOAAAA)

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