This week Sarah and I worked out Monday (Labor Day) morning and early Wednesday morning.
Monday the gym was unusually busy for a Labor Day. There were people everywhere! I guess that's a good thing, but we had to modify some of the machines we used because there were so many people. Monday was a super-setting day. It was pretty upper body heavy, too. We also used the prowler. Barf. I'm not sure if I ever loved the prowler, but I definitely hate it now. Sarah initially added 140 pounds of weights to the prowler, but that was a tad to heavy. So, she brought it back down to 90 and that was too light. We finally settled on 110.
Wednesday was an early workout since I was working at my least favorite location and I am trapped there until 430. I so wanted to cancel because I had a tough time sleeping and 5 am came way too fast. I made it to the gym and I survived the day. Wednesday was lower body day. We started with the step ups and those were awful. I hate them. I did accomplish a PR today when I did straight leg deadlifts! I did 125 pounds, which broke my previous PR of 115.
I have to admit I've been feeling a little blah and lost lately with my workouts and diet. It's when I do stuff like PRs that I feel good and inspired to continue on. I have to remember to remain focused, but also remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day. I'll blog more about this later. Right, now I am feeling sleepy from my lack of sleep last night.
I feel the same way about myself, but nothing brings you back like the power of your PR's! Keep it up! Let's stay motivated together!