Saturday, September 20, 2014

I'm Back

I know I haven't blogged in forever!  I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth.  I've been super busy with work and so much time has passed that rather than try to play catch-up I will just sort of start over.

I haven't forgotten about this blog.  I just felt overwhelmed when trying to think about catching up.

Where to begin?

Well, I've have set some new PRs.  90 pounds benchpressing.  125 pounds straight leg deadlift.

I'm doing more cardio.

I've switched to working with Jillian for my nutrition needs.  Today was actually our first session together and I think it went very well and I can sense some nutrition goals getting achieved.

I've decided to grow my hair out.  Random, I know.

I went to see Oprah last weekend and it was amazing.  I think and see things differently.  I think that weekend has changed my outlook and every aspect of my life.

I'm still working with Sarah twice a week and doing Pilates twice a week with Cassie.

Biggest Loser Season 16 has started and I really find a lot of inspiration in this show.

As we approach Fall and ugh Winter, the days are shorter and there is that impending doom that snow will arrive in just a few short weeks.  Oddly, this seems to be when I get things into high gear.  I see it as prep time for swimsuit season 2015 and lounging at a pool in a bikini.   I'm actually really excited.
I promise to blog more often.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Inspirational Week

This week has the potential to be a great week.  First of all, Biggest Loser returns on Thursday for its 16th Season.  I like watching Biggest Loser and not just because Dolvett Quince is on it.  I do love him......

Seriously, can he be any hotter?

And then on Friday, Jackie and I are heading to Auburn Hills to hang with Oprah.  Yeah, that Oprah.  Oprah has been doing weekend retreats called The Life You Want.  I am so excited.  I LOVE Oprah (but not in the same way I love Dolvett).  

Between Biggest Loser and Oprah, I am hoping that my motivational fire will be reignited.  It hasn't been distinguished, but running a little low.  I've set some goals for myself like Project: Slutty Pumpkin.  

I will definitely blog more about Oprah once I get home from the weekend.  I'm geeked to get motivated!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Project: Slutty Pumpkin

This week marked my last scheduled week to work at a certain location which has been a love-hate relationship.  I've grown to like the people I work with, but I feel so socially out of the loop while there.  Also, the commute sucks.  I wouldn't mind going back there to work a day or two here and there, but not for a full week.

Workout wise this week I worked out four times.  That seems to be my average, but I might change it up and I'll talk more about that in a bit.

Monday and Wednesday I worked out with Sarah and you can read all about it here.  I'm still totally geeked about my PR this week.

Tuesday and Thursday were Pilates days.  Tuesday was "regular" Pilates and both Maureen and Linda were there.  I can't even remember when the three of us were all together in a class.  Seems like forever, but I was glad to see them.  Maybe now that summer is officially over, we'll go back to our normal attendance.

Diet wise this week, I've been hit and miss.  The downer about my work location this week is that I'm stuck there until 430 and I get home at 530.  Going back to my regular location will have me home earlier and I'll be happier, thus more eager to meal plan.

I have two big events that I am hoping will motivate me.  My friend Kyanna is having a HUGE 40th birthday party right before Thanksgiving.  So, Kyanna and I are putting a plan into action to look fabulous for that.  I call it Project: Slutty Pumpkin.

Those of you who are fans of How I Met Your Mother will get the reference of the legendary Slutty Pumpkin that Ted is obsessed with.  My goal is to look so hot that I am branded in someone's brain as their Slutty Pumpkin.

So to get Slutty Pumpkin hot, I plan to tighten the diet.  By that I mean cooking and meal planning better.  Keeping up with the working out and bumping it up to definitely five days a week.  I am currently debating adding a third (YES, THIRD) night of Pilates or possibly getting back into cycling.  I don't know yet.  I'm just thinking about that aspect now.

My second plan is called Project: Bikini Summer 2015.  My main focus now is Project: Slutty Pumpkin, but after Thanksgiving, PBS2015 is going to be the focus.

Do any of you have any fitness goals for the new season?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 35

This week Sarah and I worked out Monday (Labor Day) morning and early Wednesday morning.

Monday the gym was unusually busy for a Labor Day.  There were people everywhere!  I guess that's a good thing, but we had to modify some of the machines we used because there were so many people.  Monday was a super-setting day.  It was pretty upper body heavy, too.   We also used the prowler.  Barf.  I'm not sure if I ever loved the prowler, but I definitely hate it now.  Sarah initially added 140 pounds of weights to the prowler, but that was a tad to heavy.  So, she brought it back down to 90 and that was too light.  We finally settled on 110.

Wednesday was an early workout since I was working at my least favorite location and I am trapped there until 430.  I so wanted to cancel because I had a tough time sleeping and 5 am came way too fast.  I made it to the gym and I survived the day.  Wednesday was lower body day.  We started with the step ups and those were awful.  I hate them.  I did accomplish a PR today when I did straight leg deadlifts!  I did 125 pounds, which broke my previous PR of 115.

I have to admit I've been feeling a little blah and lost lately with my workouts and diet.  It's when I do stuff like PRs that I feel good and inspired to continue on.  I have to remember to remain focused, but also remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day.  I'll blog more about this later.  Right, now I am feeling sleepy from my lack of sleep last night.