Wednesday, December 11, 2013

90 Day Challenge

In early August, I joined Lifetime's 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge.  On the day of the official weight in I was already down 22 pounds.  I was totally psyched because the previous 90 Challenge in 2012 was a disaster.  I dropped out after a week.

Going into this 90 Day, I had a plan of attack.  I was training with Sarah twice a week, I was doing Pilates once a week with Cassie, I won the Fitbit challenge so I had two TEAM sessions to use from that, and I still had 6 TEAM sessions left from 2012 to use.  I also wanted to go back to one of my favorite exercises, Spinning or as Lifetime Fitness calls it Studio Cycle.  I also wanted to try their Yoga classes.

One of the bonuses about being self-employed is that I can make my own schedule.  Also, the summer tends to be a little slower, especially the month of August.  So, I used it to my advantage and  started taking classes in the middle of the day, sometimes doing 2 a day like a crazy person.

I started taking Spinning classes and I was so glad to be back.  It took some getting used to because that bike seat can do some damage to your rear end.  I had a gel seat from a few years back, but I couldn't find it.  So, it was off to Target to get a new one.  (Wouldn't you know, I found my old gel seat last week!)  I also needed some Spinning shoes.  You don't necessarily need them to Spin, but they do make a difference.  I finally got some shoes in late September at a local bike shop that was having a model ending sale.  See.......

I started taking the Sunday Yoga class that Martina teaches.  I really enjoyed it.  I took some classes and seminars with Rickita.  I truly did enjoy yoga, but once September came, my schedule got crazy busy and I haven't gone to a yoga class since.  I plan on going back soon because I do miss it and now have more free time in my schedule.

Another thing that I incorporated into my plan was massage.  It not only helps my muscles recover from working out, but also from sitting for long periods of time and typing transcripts.  I get my massages at the LifeSpa with Drea every three to four weeks.  It helps me tremendously. I had lower back surgery in 1999 and leg surgery in 2006.  I need to keep these areas particularly strong and free from injury.  I live for my massage Saturdays.  

The 90 Day Challenge ended in early November.  I didn't meet my goal of losing 20 pounds.  I think I lost 15.   I did finish in the top 10 at the Novi club, which I was pretty proud of.  I'm also proud of finishing this time.  I didn't do every Try It Tuesday.  I think I did three.  Nothing against them, but they often interfered with my Pilates class.  They are a great way to get introduced to classes you have always wanted to try.

So, all in all, I would say I had a successful 90 Day Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Great job during 90 day! I'm so proud of you for losing an extra 15 lbs, being top 10 AND sticking to it!
