Sunday, December 15, 2013

Couch to 5k, Week 3....DONE!!!

I have officially ended Week 3, Day 3 today.  This week has been difficult, not so much because of the running but because my nasal passages are swollen.  This is pretty common for me during the winter.  My doctor has prescribed something for me, but most insurances don't cover it and it costs $140.  Through trial and error I've discovered that the CVS brand nasal spray that costs $6 works just as well.

So week 3 consisted of a 5 minutes warm up, run 90 second, walk 90 second, run 3 minutes, walk three minutes and repeat once, then a 5 minute minute cool down.  I ran 5.5 mph on the treadmill.  Not too shabby except for the nasal passages issue.

All of this is in preparation for the Commitment Day 5k I am running.   I won't have the program completely finished, but hey I'm trying.  I'm getting really nervous about Week 5 Day 3....20 consecutive minutes of running!!!  Yikes!  I'll probably lower the mph on the treadmill and that should help.

I'm also a little sore from my training session with Sarah on Friday.  I bought some Glutamine to help with my recovery.  I'm going to start using it today and hopefully it helps.

This upcoming week is my last work week for the year!  I am so excited.  It has been a long but great year.  I'm glad to have a break.

Exercise-wise this week, I am training with Sarah on Monday and Wednesday, Pilates with Cassie on Tuesday, and then I'll try and fit in some days for the Couch to 5k program.

Have a good week!

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