Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gone Gluten Free

In October, I just wasn't losing weight as easily as I had been.  The scale at Lifetime Fitness said that I was inflamed.  Hmm, what was going on?  Sarah suggested that I should try cutting out gluten.  Okay.  I tried.  I failed.  I just love pita bread so much.

For some bizarre reason, I decided to go gluten free in November.  I cooked my first gluten free meal on November 2 during the Michigan State-Michigan game.  I made Coconut Chicken.  It was so simple.  It was so yummy.

I started searching the internet and Pinterest for gluten free recipes.  Wow, there are a TON of recipes out there.  I've cooked many meals.  Some I will make again, some I will not.  All are tasty and good, but I definitely have my favorites.

I have to say that going gluten free was so easy.  And the weight started coming off again.  I lost 7.5 pounds in November.  I really noticed a change in my body.  I really started liking this whole gluten free thing.  Even Sarah has gone gluten free!

I have to say some of my friends think that I'm crazy for going gluten free, but they just don't understand it.  I have to be honest and say that I feel great.  It's like everything has just clicked and I feel like I really have gotten my eating under control.

And while I've gone nerdy for gluten free, I'm not this crazy.......

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