Friday, December 20, 2013

Couch To 5k Week 4 Day 1

I'm writing this post as I sip on my latest mixed drink L-Glutamine and water.

Today (aka Day 1 of Christmas Vacation), I went to Lifetime bright and early to start tackling Week 4 of the Couch to 5k program.  Let me illuminate you on what Week 4 is.  As with every week of the program it starts and ends with a 5 minute walk.  After the warm up, you run 3 minutes, walk 1.5 minutes, run 5 minutes, walk 2.5 minutes and repeat the sequence a second time.

I prepared by putting some nasal spray up my nose about an hour before I arrived at the gym in order to fully open my nasal passages.  There is no way I'm going to run with a plugged nose.  That's just crazy!

I got through round 1 okay and the second 3 minute run.   I was a little nervous about the second 5 minute run.  I was really pooped...well, I could have used an extra one minute of recovery is what I should say.   But I knew that I would be super disappointed in myself if I didn't do the program as planned.  So, I started the program when prompted by the app and I did the full 5 minutes.  Ahh!   I was happy to be done with that and thoroughly enjoyed the 5 minute cool down.

My feet were so sweaty, it was gross.  I ate breakfast at the Life Cafe and I really wanted to kick off my shoes, but unfortunately I have a horrific foot odor problem.

I plan on doing Day 2 on Sunday and Day 3 on Thursday.  Then it's on to the dreaded Week 5.

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