Thursday, December 26, 2013

Training This Week

I trained with Sarah on Monday before I left for my mom's house and today, Thursday.  I was super sore on Monday from doing the Couch to 5K two days in a row and the Sunday afternoon Spinning class.  I'd have had to overdose on Glutamine to feel better.  I was seriously sore in my abs.  But I remember the old saying,  I think it was Gandhi that said:

On Monday, we did a little bit of arms and legs, and my cardio was mountain climbers.  On Thursday, we did arms with my cardio being running .25.  Both days were pretty tough.  I thought I was going to die today.  You would have thought I had taken a month off and not two days!  

But I survived and I am glad I stuck it out.  I'm really trying to hit that 50 pound mark by December 31st and I am so close.....

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up Veronica! Let's get below 200 by your birthday! :)
