Tuesday, December 10, 2013


After I got settled into my Pilates class and finally got over my first few workouts with Sarah, I decided to do the Lifetime D.tox.  I'll be honest and say that I wasn't really excited to do it.  Two weeks of cutting out caffeine and many other things I loved.  I really didn't understand why I would pay $200 to do such a thing.

I braced myself for the worst and took the first two days of the d.tox off from work.  I wasn't sure just how weak or irritable I would be.  Other than having crazy hot flashes the first day, I actually enjoyed having an energy boost!

I went on the grocery tour that Lifetime offered.  Jillian took us around the Better Health Market in Novi.  It was pretty informative.  I do like Better Health Market, but I'm partial to Trader Joe's since it's just a mile away and a little less uptight.

I made some of the recipes on Lifetime's D.tox webpage and they were okay.  I altered some of my favorite recipes like Carne Asada tacos in collard green leafs instead of tortillas.

At the beginning of Week 2, my smoothie maker died while making my afternoon shake.  It was a pretty sad looking smoothie maker, but it still bummed me out.  Fortunately, I went to Target and  picked up a Ninja XL660 blender.  It's pretty pimp for a blender.  See......

I survived D.tox!  I lost 8 pounds!  I had Jillian do a before and after D.tox Health Score.  The only thing that stunk was that my blood sugar went up by 4!  Completely shocking and quite disappointing to me because Type II diabetes runs in my family and I was classified as pre-diabetic.  Jillian suggested that I take the Stress and Resilience test to see what exactly was going on.

I took the test and got my results about two weeks later.  It was really great!  I plan on retaking in the new year. I was put on several supplements to help me out and I noticed a vast improvement in my weight loss.  If any of my readers are Lifetime members, I strongly suggest the Stress and Resilience test.

I also suggest doing the D.tox.  I plan on redoing the D.tox sometime in the new year, as well.  Maybe after my birthday,

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