Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This is a Fitbit One.  I ordered a Fitbit at the suggestion of a few friends shortly after I started working out.  I love my Fitbit.  I credit my purchase and ownership of a Fitbit in getting me moving and also giving me a perspective on exactly how sedentary I was.

It tracks my steps, floors climbed, calories burned, and distance.  It also tracks your sleep patterns.  It's a teeny tiny dynamo.  You can also follow your progress on your laptop/tablet and on your smartphone.  I check my Fitbit app many times during the day.  It's hands down my favorite gadget.

It also sends you messages to encourage you and congratulate you.  You enter your name or any name and it sends you messages.  I chose the name Bitch.  "Get moving, Bitch!"  "Way to go, Bitch!"  are just some of the messages I get on a daily basis.

Shortly after I got my Fitbit, Lifetime Fitness had a Fitbit challenge.  It was a 90 day challenge and the winner got a free Metabolic Test.  Also, if you logged 10,000 steps a day, you won 2 free sessions of a TEAM class.

It was close, but I ended up winning the challenge.  It was quite a fete because another competitor named Jenny was logging a lot of 20,000 step days.  Finally, she had a day under 10,000 steps and essentially disqualified herself from winning.  YES!

My best day was a 33,000 step day.  I went into Lifetime and walked a 5k.  Then I went to Kensington MetroPark and walked around the lake, which was 9 miles.  And it just so happened to be the most humid day of the summer.  I got lapped by a park employee who took one look at me with a raging sunburn going on and said "You picked the wrong day to walk the trail."  Really!?!?!?!  Thanks for the tip!

I signed up for the second Fitbit challenge that coincided with the 90 Day Challenge, but I didn't win.  There were days I didn't make it to 10,000 steps per day, but that's all right.  I'll talk more about what I did during the 90 Day Challenge in a separate post.  There will be another Fitbit challenge in the new year and I definitely plan on participating in that.

I still wear my Fitbit daily!  I love it!  I look forward to graduating to the brand new Fitbit Force.  Hopefully, Lifetime gets it soon........

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