Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"I Was RUNNING!!!"

Early in the 90 Day Challenge I tried to start the Couch to 5k program.  Yeah, that didn't work.  I just wasn't ready to go there.  Imagine my surprise when I used my first TEAM freebie session that I won from the Fitbit Challenge and I had to RUN A MILE FOR TIME during Erica's 6 am TEAM Fitness class.  I picked the wrong day to show up to TEAM Fitness that's for sure.

Well, I'll just do my best.  Let's not expect miracles here.  I'll run slow (4 mph).  I'll run for three minutes and then I'll walk.

Three minutes come and go.  Okay, I'll run until I get to 5 minutes and then I'll walk.

Five minutes come and go.  Okay, I'll run to the half mile point and then I'll walk.

Half a mile comes and goes.  Okay, I'll run ten minutes and then I'll walk.

Ten minutes come and go.   Okay, I'll run to the 3/4 mile point and then I'll walk.

I got to the 3/4 mile point and I WALKED......for about 45 seconds and then I started running again and finished the mile.  I finished in just over 15 minutes (but under 16 minutes).

I DID IT (sorta) and I didn't die.

And that is the story of my first TEAM Fitness class.

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