Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Week To Build An Ark

Rain was the big story locally as local freeways were submerged.  It seriously felt like it rained every day or it was super cold for being mid-August.

The Pilates Studio suffered a caved in roof.  Classes resumed but my Tuesday class time is the only time that there are two classes taught simultaneously.  Linda and I had the choice to sit in with Heather's class but we both declined.  I like Heather, but this was a last minute switch and I like the challenge Cassie gives me.  Plus Heather's class is made up of people who have done Pilates for less than a year, so I just didn't want to go.  I will be making the class up on Monday at 7.

Sunday morning I did Week 1, Day 1 of the Couch To 5k program.  I'm not doing the program again, I just used it as some HIIT training since Sarah wasn't working on Sunday and I needed something to do.  I did well, but sweat like crazy.  I may try to incorporate that some place in my weekly program.

Monday and Saturday were my rest days or in the case of Saturday, try to use my arms as little as possible.  Sarah killed my arms on Friday afternoon.   For more on my training sessions go here.  Seriously, my arms were jello.

Thursday was Jumpboard Pilates.  It was just me, Megan, and Rose.  We were in the back room due to the roof mess.  I didn't like it, it was more like sardine pilates because we were on top of each other and I kept banging into Megan's legs during leg circles.  I have been really whiny in jumpboard the last two weeks.  I'm usually not a whiner, but sometimes I just like to annoy Cassie.

So, that was my week.  The upcoming week has me doing Pilates three times.  That combined with personal training will have me working out five days in a row, which I try to avoid.  This should be interesting.

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