Sunday, February 16, 2014

30 Days of Yoga - Days 8 Through 14

Yeah, I totally sucked on this challenge this week.  I only went two out of the seven days.  My body was just so exhausted in general I ended up taking Monday and Thursday off from working out.   Thursday evening I actually spent finishing up a transcript that was due Friday morning.  

In other workout news, I had Pilates class on Tuesday night.  I was on a different reformer because my classmate Maureen was out of town.  I loved that reformer.  The footstrap is so long.  My normal reformer has a short footstrap and I'm always afraid of falling.

On Friday, I took the noon spinning class.  I had never taken that instructor before and she was good.  I have this coming Friday off, too, so I plan on taking that class again.

Here's another yoga pose courtesy of Yoga Jones:

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