Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 6

This week, Sarah switched it up.  Instead of doing an upper body day and a lower body day, we did a full body workout to shock my system.  I actually really enjoyed it.

Sarah is also adding an extra rep on my right leg because my legs are registering uneven on the scale.  Yay (sarcastic)

Wednesday's workout was a combination of my least favorite exercises.  Step ups.  Shoulder presses.  The Prowler (this time the weight was 185 lbs.).  I used to love the prowler, honestly I did.  Now, I loath it.  Even though I hate these exercises, I still do them because I know that they will benefit me.  I'm not really much of a whiner.

Part of my issue is my body is so tired.  I took a rest day on Monday, which when I looked at my calendar I noticed I hadn't had a rest day since before January 25.   I see a few rest days in my future.  I definitely need to have a rest day if I'm going to do the Stress & Resilience test.

My training days for next week are Monday and Wednesday.  I hope to be back and rested after I take a tiny break.

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