Sunday, February 9, 2014

90 Day Challenge Starts This Weekend!!

This weekend was one crazy weekend at Lifetime Fitness.   It was the starting weekend for the 90 Day Challenge!!!!  I did my initial weigh in with Sarah.  Starting weight: 228.4.  I'm still working my way back down to the 50 pound mark, but as I've said previously, my body fat percentage is down.

I purchased a Stress and Resilience Test, which I plan on doing next weekend.   I'm super excited to retake this test.  I can't wait for the results and this time Julie will do the results instead of a conference call with corporate.

The other things I purchased were supplements.  I mainly just purchased supplements that I was out of or running low on.  The only new supplement I purchased was the Whey Isolate (Chocolate) by Thorne.  Lifetime just started got this brand of Whey recently and there's been a lot of buzz and excitement.  Sarah suggested I use this over the regular Lifetime brand because I have really increased my activity and it will be more beneficial for me.   I also think it will be more cost-effective for me since I get a smoothie in the cafe every day and it costs me $7.

I got home and made my first two smoothies (one for work tomorrow) and I LOVED it!!!!  I added L-Glutamine, PB2, Dynamic Greens, Olive Oil, a banana, and coconut milk.  Totally yummy!

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