Thursday, February 20, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 7

This week my training sessions were on Monday and Wednesday mornings.  Monday I had off for Presidents' Day.  I actually have most of the week off and I am taking full advantage of the time off to do a lot of working out, but I will do a separate post about that.

Monday was upper body day.  It was another tough workout.  I'm surprised I wasn't more sore than I was.   I am terrible with the names of the exercises I do, so that's why I'm not too detailed on these posts.  I can tell you that I was tired after the workout.  I had planned on taking a Slow Burn Yoga class afterwards, but I was too beat.

Wednesday was legs.  OMG, I think Sarah is really trying to kill me.  It was extremely tough, but I did it.  My cardio once again was the prowler.  This time she put 100 pounds on the prowler, which made it approximately 175 pounds.  We're still doing extra sets on my right leg.  It's not so bad, I understand why we're doing them.  My legs were total jelly when we were done.  I almost wanted to take the elevator down to the first floor.

As much as I feel like dying while I'm working out, I love what I've accomplished and I'm pretty sure most people couldn't handle the challenging things Sarah tells me to do.  I feel like this once the workout is over and I'm all showered up and relaxing at home:

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