Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 5

This week I trained on Sunday and Wednesday.  I was supposed to train on Thursday, but since we got an ill-timed snow storm this morning, I had to call off work (again) and decided to train today insread.

Sunday was arm day, which totally killed me.  I was sore for two days after and of course, I was the most sore on the second day.  This week Sarah had me do shoulder presses with 18kg kettlebells (that's a smidge under 40 pounds to us Americans).  That was just brutal.  We also did some bench presses and Sarah had me super set those with push ups.  I started each set with normal push ups and then finished with modified push ups.  Of the three sets of push ups, I did a total 10 normal push ups.  Not bad.  Sarah wanted me to get lower, but my chest hurt.  I did the best I could.

My cardio for Sunday was the prowler.   Sarah added 90 pounds and the average prowler weighs 75 pounds, so that was 165 pounds total.  I was to walk up and down the aisle near the advanced training section for two minutes.  While I was doing it, Sarah and Trainer Kristi were shouting encouragement, blah, blah, blah.  I was busy concentrating on pushing the prowler, but on the inside I was.....

Wednesday was leg day.  My right knee and ankle were a little achy thanks to the blizzard-like snow that was blowing around outside.  Nothing too painful, just the joys of getting older.  I did some single leg presses.  The first set was 80 pounds, but that was a bit too much so the last two sets were 60 pounds.  I did some lunges today too.  I can't remember the name of the machine I did the first two sets on, but Sarah thought my form was better doing TRX lunges, so we did two sets with the TRX thingy.

My cardio was running 0.25.  I haven't run in a while because of the burn on my low back, but the pain has pretty much gone away.  I finished the first run in about 2:37.  I ran 5.5 mph.  I only did half of the second run.  I was pretty disappointed, but my legs were killing.

So far I have my next Sunday session scheduled for Week 6.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel disappointed! You did great! I did destroy your legs today and I really gassed them out!
    Load up on your glutamine tonight!
