Monday, February 3, 2014

The Numbers Game

I reached the 50 pounds lost milestone last month.  I've never seen that number again because I've gained weight.  My birthday happened and I've mentioned on this blog that I've been a little bad with my eating.  It was getting me down, but my body fat percentage has gone down.  So, I'm not too freaked out about what my bathroom scale says.  I'm doing pretty good with my eating and I'm working out really hard.

On Sunday, Sarah took another picture of me.  The last picture was taken in late December.  I'm probably at the same weight.  I'm still not in a place where I want to see these pictures, so Sarah compares them and gets back to me about what she notices.  According to her, there is a significant change in the last month, especially in my midsection.

I felt really good about hearing this news.  I'm sure the scale will start moving again eventually, but I'm happy about the lean muscle mass I'm putting on.  It's all good.

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