Friday, January 31, 2014

The Week in Review (January 26- February 1)

Since I haven't been posting as much lately, I decided to do a Week In Review post.

Sunday and Wednesday were training days and I have posted about my training separately here.

Monday I went spinning for the first time in forever (it seemed).  I felt like I wasn't going to make it the entire class, but I stuck it out.

Tuesday was Pilates day.  I'm not sure why, but this week's class really kicked my butt.  I always give it 110%, but I walked out of class knowing my abs would be sore.  (THEY WERE!)

Thursday I got out of work early and checked out the Group Fitness app on my phone and decided to double up on some classes.  I did the 430 Vinyasa Flow class and the 545 Spinning.  John taught the yoga class.  I had never taken a class with him before and I enjoyed it.  I took it in preparation for the 30 Days of Yoga that starts February 1.  The Spinning class was taught by David.  He's my favorite spinning instructor and his class is ALWAYS packed!!  Thursday was no exception.  Every bike was taken.  Luckily, I had set up my bike before yoga.

Friday I had planned to double up on yoga and spinning again, but I decided on just doing yoga.  There was an hour and 15 minutes between the two classes, so I decided to just grab some lunch instead.

I have Thursday and Friday off fro work next week and I plan on doing yoga on those days and some yoga at home on youtube.

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