Friday, January 3, 2014

Couch To 5k Week 5 Day 2

I did it!  I did today's program without any issue!   W5D2 consists of two 8 minute runs separated by a 5 minute walk.

Besides deleting "Stillness Is The Mood" from my playlist, I put a towel over the screen on the treadmill so that I wouldn't obsess over how much longer I had to run.  It really helped!  I will continue to do that.  I will admit that during the running phases, I ALWAYS watch the clock on the treadmill.

First of all, I need to give myself props for going to Lifetime Fitness this morning when it was just a mere -4 degrees out.  Wow.  It's crazy cold here, but I can handle cold better than heat.

The first 8 minutes was fine.  My right knee started a little achy, but it got better.  I'm guessing the frigid weather has something to do with that.  The 5 minute walk was a perfect recovery.  Then it was time to do the second 8 minute run.  My body was doing fine.  I was mentally thinking about the time (UGH!).  I did take the towel off the screen a few times.  I had estimated that by the time the clock got to 27 minutes I should be close to finishing.

I've noticed that I have to turn up the volume on the voice that says "This won't last forever, you can do this," as opposed to the voice that says "OMG, you can walk a little and then jump back into it."  Now, I was not in any pain or having any respiratory issues, it's just that annoying voice that tries to stop me.  And then I thought about you, my readers.  I've received some positive feedback from several readers about this blog and how inspirational it is.  Thanks for the support, everyone.

After the run, I was happy it was over and I felt like I had really accomplished something.  The previous two days of this program I have had to alter the run a little bit and I felt disappointed.  I think the Commitment Day 5k and the words of encouragement that I have received from my friends have kept me going.  My friend Maddie told me on New Years that she was proud of me.  Now, I'm not the best at accepting compliments, but I thanked her and I have thought about her comment several times since that day.

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