Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm Still Here!!

It feels like forever since I posted, right?  I'm still here.  I'm still plugging along.  My birthday totally derailed my eating last week.  It's okay.  What's important is that I return to proper eating.  I don't think I went too crazy.  I'm still not drinking pop, I'm still fast food free.

So here is a little update on me.  The Fitbit challenge started last Monday and I have achieved the 10,000 minimum steps so far.  Go me!  I almost lost on Friday because I had a power outage and so did LTF-Novi.  But I did get my steps!  It was tough and I was up until 1030 pm getting them, but I got them.  

On Saturday, I went on a fundraising trip to Greektown Casino with my friends Jackie and Thad.  We got several thousand steps walking around the casino.  We were the only people we saw that took the HUGE staircase up to the second flood.    We did that TWICE.   We even took the staircase down.  We actually beat Tom and Bob (their friends) who took the escalator!  

For dinner on Saturday, I swear I ate my weight in Greek food.  And then we went across the street to Astoria where I bought two desserts and ate them that night.  

I've taken a break from the Couch to 5k program because I suffered a severe burn on my low back and it is painful.  It hurts when I run and it just hurts in general.  I hope that once the pain goes away, I am able to run.  
Today, I took off from work because the roads were treacherous.  I am so sick of winter.  I am sick of driving for hours to get to work and back.  I decided to go in for a spinning class.  It was a good class but tough.  I haven't taken a spinning class in weeks!!!  

I had a training session with Sarah on Sunday, but I will post more about that in my weekly training post.

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