Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Last Workouts of 2013

I meant to do a post about my last workouts for 2013, but I ran out of time.  So, I guess I will do it now.

Sunday, I trained with Sarah.  It was leg day and it was a tough workout.  My hamstrings were still a little sore from yoga, but nothing major.  This was a last workout for 2013.  It's hard to believe how much progress I've made since mid-May.

Monday, I did the Couch to 5k Week 5 Day 1.  This day consisted of running 5 minutes and walking 3 minutes and repeating 3 times.  I ran into the same stupid problem that I had with Week 4 Day 3, I couldn't finish the last 5 minutes in one full run.  I did better this time and finished just over 3 minutes before I had to walk.

There was one common denominator between the two days.  The same song came on my playlist.  I have it on shuffle and by some cruel coincidence it came on at the same point of this run.  The song is "Stillness is the Mood."  The version on my playlist is the original band that recorded the song, The Dirty Projectors.  I MUCH prefer the version by Solange (Beyonce's sister), but it is unavailable for download.

Here are the two versions and judge for yourself:

The Solange version is better, right?

So, I deleted the song altogether from my playlist.  I just can't continue to have it cause me these problems.  I literally dread when the Dirty Projectors version comes on.

Tuesday was my last workout for the year and it was a Pilates class.  Cassie scheduled two classes in the morning and I decided to take the 8 am class.   It was a great class, but my thighs were sore.  Oh, well, I'll live.

There you go, my last workouts for 2013.  It was a great year and I can't wait to see what I accomplish in 2014!

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