Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let It Snow!

This was the view from the path between my apartment complex and Lifetime Fitness.   The snow storm started pretty slowly, but as I write this is, it is picking up steam.  So much steam that I may have to call off work tomorrow if it's not cancelled.

I had a training session with Sarah today, our second of 2014.  My first session of 2014 was on January 2nd and was arm day.  Today was leg day.  My right knee was giving me some issues (and yesterday, as well) but I think that's because of all of the precipitation coming.  It only truly bothered me going up and down steps.

Today's workout was pretty tough.  My cardio for today was running 0.25 miles twice.  I did it the first time at 5.7 mph (I started at 6.0 mph, but decreased the speed within the first 30 seconds).  I finished the run in 2:37.  The second time I ran at 5.5 mph and finished in 2:43.  Since doing the Couch to 5k, running less than 3 minutes should be no problem, but after doing 3 sets of two super-set exercises it's a little more challenging.  I got through it though and there is that satisfaction of get through it.

After the session, Sarah weighed me.  I have lost most of the weight I gained at the Rose Bowl party.  I am only about a half pound heavier than my weight on December 26.  I was a little inflamed (0.383) but my body fat percentage went down to 42.8 percent.  It was 44-point something percent before.  Overall, I am pretty happy with the numbers.  It's a journey with some ups and downs, and it might take me a bit but I'll get there.

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