Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tempted By The Colonel

I had a major temptation today.  Part of my commute today there was a stretch that was all fast food restaurants.  KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell.  I'm not joking.  They were in that order. 

I would say 95% of the time I am good with my eating.  I am human and I do occasionally cheat, although I hate the word "cheat".  I prefer to say I allow myself some leeway.  And I don't go too crazy.  I don't eat an entire cake or anything, I just have a piece of cake for a special occasion.   My mindset is that I've changed but the world hasn't.  There will always be temptations and a little taste here and there is okay as long as I don't go totally berserk.  The key is to not obsess, and just keep active, and get back on track.

As my favorite movie/literary heroine Scarlet O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."

So, getting back to my commute home, I became overwhelmed with a desire to pull into KFC.  I don't know why since KFC wasn't my favorite fast food restaurant.  It just looked and sounded AMAZING to me at the time.  I needed to get into the next lane so that  I could pull into KFC.  I even looked in my rearview mirror to see if I could switch lanes.  I could have done it, but I didn't.  I don't know why I didn't or what kept me from doing it.  Maybe it was my subconscious?

I remember thinking about what I would have ordered...a chicken sandwich.  I could see the sandwich.  A nice breaded chicken breast inside a sandwich bun with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.   In my mind it was the sexiest chicken sandwich ever!!  I could visualize the feeling of biting into it and how it would taste.  But I knew the guilt I would have felt after I ate it.  I knew I wouldn't be able to lie to Sarah.

I hate the saying "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."  That's a bunch of crap.  Of course there are things that taste better than skinny feels.  You just can't let the thing that tastes good run your life.  Just because you get to your goal doesn't mean that you're done.  You'll always be working to maintain and your goals might change.  Maybe you want to run faster, maybe you want to lift heavier.  You're always going to be working towards something.

So, while in this post I talked about the occasional dietary slip up and yet not caving in to the temptation for a fast food chicken sandwich, I guess you just have to choose your battles.   I knew that one chicken sandwich would have destroyed my 7 month freedom from fast food and could have started a huge backslide that I would have come to regret.

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