Monday, January 20, 2014

My Health Score - Then and Now

Today was my latest Health Score at Lifetime Fitness.  The above picture shows my health score printout from early June 2013 (Score: 68) and today, January 20, 2014 (Score: 84).  Wow, what a difference!  To say that me, Julie, and Sarah are happy with the results is an understatement.  It feels good to see on paper the changes outside and inside that have occurred since May 2013.

Here are some of the changes:

                                      June 2013     November 2013    January 2014

  1. Weight:                     270.7              234                      226.0
  2. Blood Pressure:       159/98           124/81                   123/79
  3. Total Cholesterol:      190                173                        170
  4. Triglycerides:             110                 92                          87
  5. Glucose:                    104               107                          95
  6. Resting Heart Rate:      68                60                           54
  7. Body Fat %:               50.7              44.8                        43.4
  8. Aerobic Capacity:       28.8              32.8                        33.7
  9. Lean Body Mass:     151.82           150.56                    149.48
  10. Body Fat Mass:       118.88              83.44                      76.52

My next Health Score is scheduled for April 13th.  I can't wait to see how much more has changed.


  1. So proud of you! Those results are amazing!

  2. Impressive numbers! So proud of you!

  3. That is excellent! Way to go :) Has it affected your blood sugar and meds you might have previously taken?

  4. I have a Dr's appt in late April. I have another Health Score right before and I'm going to give him the results. I hope to at least cut my dosages in half.

  5. That's fantastic! I bet with your hard efforts already, it wouldn't be a stretch to cut them completely. If you're already managing the sugar on your own, then the job is done :)

    1. True! I think I'll have to see him again in the Fall. Hopefully I'll be off them by then
