Sunday, January 12, 2014

Super Saturday!!

Some people rest on the weekends.  I use it as an opportunity to kick it into high gear.  This Saturday was no different.

It started with the 645 a.m. Spinning/Cycle Studio class at Lifetime.  I think they are calling it Cycle Edge or something.  I'm not positive about the name.  I am positive that construction has started on the new Cycling studio that they are putting in at LTF-Novi.

Class was great and I worked up quite a sweat.  Class was PACKED!  It was crazy how busy the class was for being so early on a Saturday.  It was Open House Weekend, but this was just crazy.  I'm sure the much needed thaw that finally blew into Michigan helped.

I then went to the 1215 Ashtanga Yoga class taught by Rickita.  It was my third straight week attending this class.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is my favorite yoga class.  This class, too, was packed.   I had to leave a few minutes early because I had a massage appointment at 130.

My massage was amazing, as usual.  The neck problem I had the previous time is gone, but my complaints coming into this massage was low back pain mainly on the right side and right upper thigh pain.  My next massage is scheduled for the second Saturday of February.

I have to say massage is quite helpful.  Some might see it as an extravagance, but it truly does help me prevent injury and help with any aches, pains, and stiffness I have.  I strongly recommend it.

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