Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 3

This week I am training Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

Monday was arm day.  This is technically a "rest week" for me, which means Sarah is going to take it a little easy on me.  Our last rest week was around Thanksgiving.  For being a rest day, it was still pretty challenging and I am fine with that.  I really don't want my rest weeks to be too much rest.  My rest days would kill the average person

Wednesday was leg day.  I let Sarah have the new intern shadow our session.  I think his name was Mike.  He seemed nice.  I think the program at Central is pretty interesting.  I think the only exercise related career that I knew about when I was younger was a gym teacher or a physical therapist.

Leg day, like arm day, wasn't a wimpy rest day.  I'm not complaining.   Since I am currently participating in the Fitbit challenge, Sarah is trying to work in some steps in my workout.  I also come in early to walk on the treadmill.

Now, I'm wondering just how brutal my regular workouts are going to be now.  Hmmmm.....

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