Friday, January 10, 2014

Couch To 5k - Week 6 Day 1

I had today off from work.  Yay!  I went to Lifetime Fitness at around 8 a.m. to do my next day of the Couch to 5k program.  I took yesterday off from the gym.  I realized I had not taken a day off from the gym since December 26th!  Holy cow!  I totally didn't mean to that and I wouldn't suggest it.  The body does need to rest!

The weather in Michigan is starting to warm up and so is the gym.  There were plenty of cars in the parking lot when I got there.  I think the weather has sort of derailed or delayed some New Years resolutions because the gym has been pretty quiet when I've been there.

I chatted with Sarah in the locker room and she passed her Health Score Certification!!!  Go Sarah!

I made it upstairs and prepared for my run.  You can see from the picture above what I had to do today.  I was a little nervous about the 3 minute walking.  In the past that hasn't been a lot of time for me to "rest" before starting to run again.

The first five minutes was a breeze.  I'm really getting used to running at least five minutes.  I walked for three minutes, then I started the 8 minute run.  It went well and I ran the whole thing.  It did seem to last a while and just as I was checking my phone to make sure the app was still working, it told me to start walking.  Ah!
Then it was time to run the second five minutes.  I knew I could do it.  It was only five minutes.  I did change the speed.  I ran the other two intervals at 5 mph, but I did the first four minutes of this interval at 4.8 mph.  I did the final minute back up at 5 mph.

I have to say I hate running while I'm doing it, but I love it when I am done and have accomplished something.  :)

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