Thursday, January 9, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 1

I've decided to do a weekly post about my training, how it felt, any new accomplishments, et cetera.

Technically, I've had three sessions this year since 2014 started mid-week, but this is my first full calendar week of training.

Sunday was leg day and I've already blogged about that.  Wednesday was arm day.   The cardio part of my workout was pushing the Prowler Sleigh for a minute.  I did that three times.  Sarah put 145 pounds on it and I googled Prowler weight and an average Prowler weighs 75 pounds.  So, I was pushing around practically my entire body weight (220 versus 223.8)

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, here is a picture (not of me, but of what I was doing):

That combined with the other weights I lifted left me very tired.  Sarah really challenges me and I love it!  I'm not really sore and I think I can the L-Glutamine has something to do with that.  

I have to say 2014 is turning out to be a good year.  I've done a 5k, I've reached my 50 pound goal, I've run for 20 minutes straight, my training is awesome.

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