Friday, January 31, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 4

Week 4 already!  Despite the fact that January seems to be the most torturous month with all of the snow and polar vortexes, workout wise it is flying.

Sunday was arm day.  It was tough.  Sarah had me do shoulder presses with 35 pounds!  Yikes, that's heavy, but I have to keep thinking about how awesome they will help my arms look.   I had to squat down and use momentum to get the second and third sets up, but I thought I did pretty good.  We super-setted the shoulder press with some seated rows (95 pounds).

Wednesday was leg day.  Another toughy.  My cardio was doing step-ups.  This was our first time using 7 steps!  I did pretty good.  I had to hold on to climb up, but I wasn't winded or anything, just getting used to the added step.  I remember when we started, I think we used just three steps and it was a killer on my right knee.  I like seeing the progress I am making.  I could probably step up on 3 steps all day now.

Even though the workouts were challenging and would kill a normal person, I wasn't sore.  And I can't even thank my L-Glutamine for that because I've been slacking in taking it this month.  Yeah, I know I should be taking it and I plan on getting back to being more diligent about it.  It really is a huge help for my digestion and my tummy, too.  So, I'm going back on the L-Glutamine today.

Training Week 5 will take place on Sunday and Thursday.  Hope it's a great week!

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