Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blizzard Eve

We're supposed to get hammered with snow starting tonight (Saturday) and all day tomorrow.  I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday, but we'll see what happens.

As close as I live to the gym I don't know why I went crazy with the workouts today.  I mean, I could walk to the gym if there wasn't such a threat of hypothermia.  Luckily, I just park at the far end of my complex and walk over.

I went to the 645 am spinning class.  There was quite a decent turnout for such an early class on such a frigid morning.   It wasn't filled to capacity, but a solid turnout.   Props to those who made it out there.  It was a great ride.  I'm excited that construction starts on Monday on the new Cycle Studio!

After class, I went straight to Trader Joe's to stock up on some food for the next few days.   You know, just the typical blizzard preparedness.

I showered, rested up a bit, and then went back for the 1215 yoga class with Rickita.  This is the same class I did last week (Ashtanga Vinyasa) and it's my favorite.  Coincidentally, the girl on the mat next to me was just returning to Lifetime after a two year break.  Before class, she asked me about this class and the instructor.  I told her it was my favorite class and instructor, and I also suggested some other yoga classes/instructors at Lifetime that I really enjoyed.

Yoga was fabulous, as always.  I'm looking forward to the Friday evening class that is supposed to start this upcoming week.  What a great way to start your weekend, huh?  And construction also starts on the new Yoga studio, as well.  Exciting things are coming to Lifetime Fitness-Novi in 2014.

Currently, I'm dealing with a weight increase due to the Rose Bowl party I went to.  The food was mainly healthy as the hostess is severely gluten intolerant.  I think I just ate a little too much, but the weight is coming down back to normal.  It's all good.  I'm still moving forward and still motivated to reach my goals.

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