Monday, January 6, 2014

Couch to 5K Week 5 Day 3

I did it!  I DID IT!!  I flipping did it!!!!  Twenty minutes!  Two Zero!!

I called off from work because of the snow and the nearest freeway to my home being an accident magnet this morning.  I had to shovel myself out of my parking space, and unbury my car, and let it warm up for a half an hour, but I got to the gym and ran it out!

I got a lot of help on my run from my playlist.  A lot of great music came on my shuffle workout mix.  I guess you can say I got a little help from Beyonce and Jay Z (and Monica and Katy Perry, too.)

The temptation to stop running was strong from the get go.  I mean I did some serious shoveling before I got there.  No one would blame me for stopping.  That snow was heavy and was a workout by itself.  But I ran on.  Just keep running.  Just keep running.  

Before I knew it, the app voice chimed in "You are half way done."  Yes!  Ten minutes down, ten to go.  I can do this.  My ears were sweating so bad, I had to take my headphones off around minute 16 and run without music.  I put them back on about a minute and a half before the end so that I could hear the app tell me I was done.  I also put a towel over the screen again, but I did keep peeking.  I took it off for good around minute 15.  The last two minutes seemed easy.  I think my stride got stronger with a minute and a half left.  I think I might have been smiling during the last 30 seconds!  

And finally it was over!!  

I have to say that my body wasn't sore.  It was definitely mind over matter.  You just have to think that you can and you'll do it!


  1. Good for you Vern! Way to go.

  2. Your motivation makes me motivated in my own workouts! If I get tired, I say to myself "Veronica wouldn't give in!" and I push myself! Thanks for being my motivator!

  3. Thanks Peggy!

    Aw, Sarah, you're so sweet! Yeah, I wouldn't give in (and when I do you know I am in pain or super tired)
