Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rest Days

I decided to take Thursday and Friday of this week as rest days, as well as Monday.  Yeah, that's a lot of rest days in a week for me, but Monday I was super sore and I've been super tired, too.

Thursday afternoon, we got a snow storm and it took me over two hours to drive home.  By the time I ate, showered, and got into my pajamas, it was nearly bedtime.  (I go to be at 9 pm).   This isn't an actual picture of my commute, but the sentiment is the same.

And Friday, well, I usually take Friday as a rest day if I work.  Plus, it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I wake up tired.  I'm taking my vitamins, I'm getting my 7 to 8 hours of sleep, I'm not pregnant.  I think it's the weather and the depressing winter we're having.

On the days I work, sometimes I just want to come home and ....

Sometimes, you just have to relax and let your body have some time to recoup.  Once Saturday comes, it's back at it.

1 comment:

  1. If you're still feeling tired after 7-8 hours, it would be a great time to re-test your stress and resilience after you meet with Julie for your health score. :)
