Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Officially, on my scale at home I have lost 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!   I've been waiting for this achievement for months!!!  I've never lost this much weight....EVER!!!

And now I think I am ready to admit something that some of my other friends have never done...starting weight.  The number.  It's just a number.  And it's a number I'll never be again.


Yep, that's what I weighed on May 15, 2013 when I started this journey.  And if you're decent at math, you'll figure out that I am currently 224.  (Actually 223.8).  It's quite liberating to let the cat out of the bag.  I know a lot of people who have lost large amounts of weight (surgery and non-surgery) and they have never admitted their starting weight.  They play the number game just the way closeted gay people play the pronoun game.  "I've lost 50 pounds, I have 50 more to go."  I find that super annoying.  Just say the number already.  Quit beating around the bush.

So there, it's out there.  As much as I hate the buzz phrase "Just own it,"  I own that I used to weigh 274 pounds.  

And since I'm throwing numbers around, my next goal is to get to 195 pounds, which was my weight in college.  So, I have 28.8 pounds to go until I get there.  That is not my goal weight, but rather my next plan of attack.  That is also the goal I've set for myself for the next 90 Day Challenge.

Thanks for all the congrats some of you have given me on Facebook.  I couldn't do it without you.  

1 comment:

  1. Great job Veronica! Way to stay motivated and keep up the lifestyle changes you have made!
    Love the gif's btw, they crack me up!
