Sunday, July 27, 2014

Training 2014 - Week 29

We switched it up a bit this week.  First of all, we worked out on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Second, we did just upper body on Monday and lower body on Wednesday.  We haven't done that for a while.

Monday it seemed as though we a million exercises.  We did lat pulldowns and shrugs with 85 pounds.  I'm not sure if that's a PR, but it very well may be.  I know I did set a PR on the isolated rows.  I rowed 110 pounds.  That was a little tough, but obviously do-able.  We worked with kettle bells, but thankfully didn't do swings.

Wednesday was leg/butt day.  We did step ups on the machine as opposed to the aerobic class steps.  My right knee was hurting and my left leg was achy, but I got through it.  Sarah took it easy on me because I had Jumpboard the next day.   We did several leg machines and ended with stability ball hamstring curls.  I was really tired when I did those.  I felt like my butt was just hovering over the ground.

After my workout, there was a little bit of excitement.  I ran into my ex-boyfriend as he was coming to pick up his daughter.  I didn't see his daughter, which was good because she is the person I miss the most from the relationship.  She is the sweetest little girl an I miss her a lot.  Noah and I talked for a bit and I even introduced him to Sarah.  It was weird and funny at the same time.

It's always a boost to the ego when you catch your ex checking out your booty out of the corner of your eye.

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