Thursday, July 31, 2014

Product Review: It Works! Wraps

Have you heard of the It Works wraps?!  Yes? No?   Don't know what they are?  They are wraps that you put on your body and they help tighten and tone your skin.  Sounds sketchy, huh?  Well, I'm here to tell you, THEY REALLY DO WORK!!!!

I have been seeing these wraps flooding my Instagram feed because many of the fitness people I follow use them.  My interest was piqued, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to invest in them without knowing if they really worked or were just a waste of money.  Then one day when I was walking out to my car to go to work I saw a postcard on my windshield.  It was from my neighbor Christine and it was a card about the It Works wraps!!!  I was so excited because loose skin is my number one fear as I am losing weight.

I texted Christine as soon as I got to work and we texted all day about the wraps.  Christine has had a lot of success with the wraps and she was really excited about the product.  I decided to go ahead and invest in the wraps and the Defining Gel.  I bought the Fab Wrap, too, but I didn't care for it.  I just use saran wrap now.

Long story short, I love the wraps.

Things that you must know:  you still have to exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat well to see the most benefits.  One wrap is not going to cure everything, you have to keep wrapping.  You have to do your part to help the wraps work.

I have definitely noticed changes.  My stomach is indeed flatter and my muffin top is gone.  I put the wrap on my stomach, but you can put it anywhere you want to target.  The first wrap is supposed to be left on for 45 minutes.  After that, you can wear your subsequent wraps for hours.  I know leave mine on for about 3 hours or more.

The Defining Gel is to be used on days you don't wrap and you can place it anywhere you feel you need it on your body.  I put mine on the stomach, my upper arms, my butt, and my thighs.  My arms look fabulous.  They look toned and my muscles look incredible.  Most miraculously, the cellulite on my butt and thighs has diminished tremendously.  I thought my butt would never be smooth, but it practically is and probably will completely be smooth soon.

As of the time of writing this blog post, I have done 7 wraps.  I'm addicted to the results I am seeing.  It's not a scam, IT WORKS!!!

If you want the same results or want to find out more about the wraps, feel free to check out Christine's page.

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