Monday, April 14, 2014

Bench Press PR

Today I met with Sarah for training.  It was upper body day and she really challenged me today.

One of our exercises today was bench press.  I LOVE BENCH PRESSING!!!!

My first set was 55 pounds, which I've done before.  (that's 10 pounds of weights and the 45 pound bar).  That was fairly easy for me to do.  So, then for my next two sets, she added an extra 10 pounds, bringing the total weight up to 65.  That was a personal record for me.  It was a challenge, but not an impossible challenge.  I was definitely feeling it by the last set, but again, I LOVE BENCH PRESSING!!!  I could do it all day.  Well,  maybe not 65 pounds all day, but pressing.

I'm so geeked and proud of myself for benching 65 pounds.  It may not sound like much, but it is.  I remember when I was just benching the bar alone and it was a challenge to do that.   My goal is to be able to do one whole set at 85 pounds by the end of 2014.

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